poniedziałek, 30 kwietnia 2012


This is a story about a novice actor, whose stage debut was to consist of just one simple line: "Your Majesty, as your obedient servant, I am here, to pay you homage".

The young man gave this one line a great deal of thought, but uncertain how to deliver it in the most effective manner, decided to ask an older, more experienced actor for an advice.

The master replied: "Young man, focus on the situation and ask yourself, who is the most important person in the scene. Since IT IS the king, then it hardly matters who is visiting him. Thus you should emphasize the words YOUR MAJESTY".

The young man thanked the older master, but deep inside was still not sure that the answer he obtained really appealed to him. So he decided to ask for an advice another stage veteran, who presented him with yet another way of delivering the same line. "Young man, everyone knows that the king is already there: it is important WHO is visiting him, thus you should stress the words YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANT."

Needless to say that answer was not quite satisfactory to the young actor. So he went to see yet another mentor, who offered yet another way of delivering that single line. "Why, young man, everyone can see that the king is the protagonist, and the servant comes to see him. The important thing here is the purpose of his visit. Thus, put the emphasis on the part of the line which explains that the servant is there TO PAY HOMAGE."

When the opening night finally arrived, the young man was unable to utter even a single word. After a ghastly moment of complete silence, the old actor who played the part of the king realized the extent of the stage freight experienced by the young actor, and said: "Well, young man, have you not arrived here to pay homage to your king?" And all the miserable beginner was able to mumble was: "Mm-hmm...."

So much for the story, to which, for my own use, I attempted to add an alternative ending. I imagined, that were I the fourth mentor the young actor approached for advice, I would probably have told him: "Young man, deliver your line any way you wish, but make sure it sounds intelligibly and comprehensibly. What you are NOT supposed to say is: "Yourma… jestyas…youro…bedient…servan…tiamhere…topay…youho…mage”.          
Albeit, if you insist, you could even attempt to deliver your line in this manner.  The problem will be in finding someone who'd come to listen to you. Or yet, someone who'd offer you another contract.

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