wtorek, 8 listopada 2022

Katarzyna PREISKORN, PIKNIK NA SKRAJU PARKURU (A Picnic at the Showjumping Course)


Prof. Jerzy Marchwiński

 Warszawa, October 6, 2022



(A Picnic at the Showjumping Course)



·        I confess at the outset that has never, ever, perceived the horse as an animal.  For me, it has always been a being. Not an animal, but a being.

·       Its fate has been linked to man, to his work, his struggle, his joy, and his sorrow.

·       The author's relationship with this being is a vivid combination of genuine love and friendship.

·       I was engrossed in the description of this unique relationship as if taken straight from the world of poetry.

·       The book is written in a particularly beautiful and valuable language.

·       I have trouble defining its character. Perhaps the closest description would be: warm, vivid, and intense. 

·       The book includes a few poems, probably written by the author, as a hallmark of her sensibility.

·       And then there are the refined delicacies, existing, alas, only on paper. If only, oh if only, they could appear beside my laptop!

·       Many thanks to the author for her book. Let it wait on standby when a smile deficit arises.


                                                                 Prof. Jerzy Marchwińsk)


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